Thursday, March 25, 2010

Earthquake in Metro Manila

Did you feel the earthquake?
Me and my teammates (except for 1 hehehe) but the rest of the people in our department didn't seem to feel it. My boyfriend all the way at his work felt it, too.

Here are the specifics from the United States Geological Survey website:


Everybody take care! Personally I'm terrified of earthquakes. I just think of being on a flyover in the middle of a strong earthquake with my car hanging over the road that just split wide open. Waaaaaah!

Just take care everyone. There's so many earthquakes happening so it doesn't hurt to be prepared:

Here are 10 tips for when an earthquake happens:

1. Protect yourself first. Be careful and wait until the earthquake is over.

2.Keep calm. Check all fire sources. Put out fire quickly.

  • If you were using any sources of fire or heat, turn them off when the shaking calms down.
  • If a fire starts, put it out quickly and calmly.

3. Panic can hurt you.

Be careful of fallen furniture and broken glass.

4. Make sure you have a way out: open doors and windows.

Secure an exit for escape when the shaking stops.

5. Don't rush out in a panic. Watch out for falling objects.

Watch out for falling objects such as roof tiles, broken glass, and signs.

6. Keep away from gateposts and walls.

If you feel an earthquake outside, stay away from concrete walls and other objects which may fall over.

7. Get the right information. Take the right action.

Get accurate information from radio, television, fire stations, local authorities, etc.

8. Make sure your family and neighbors are safe.

After you confirm your family’s safety, check if your neighbors are all right.

9. Work together on rescue and first aid.

Work with your neighbors to free victims from under debris or fallen furniture and to give first aid.

10. Make sure electricity and gas are off before evacuation.

Turn off circuit breakers and the gas at the main before you evacuate.

** tips and photos courtesy of

Everyone be safe!

-- designstudentny
For more tips and latest events go to

Posted via email from alittlebitofeverything's posterous

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