Saturday, February 27, 2010

You are Who Your Friends Are

There is probably nothing more true than this saying: "You are who your friends are."

Remember when you were younger and your parents would say, "I don't want you to hang out with crowd!"?

There were saying that no only because they're probably concerned for your safety but also because the people you spend time with are the people that will influence you in your actions and ultimately the person you'll become. You'll tend to adopt the same habits and even the same mindset.

So in this, your journey to creating a better life for yourself, it is important to surround yourself with people that you actually want to be like. People who are successful or at the very least people who, like you, are driven and motivated to succeed. You want to surround yourself with people who will not only support and encourage you in your journey to success but also join you.

Anthony Robbins when he was 23 years old, I think, had already become a millionaire and when he returned to his old neighborhood to share his good blessings with his old friends, he found that they no longer wanted to be around him. His group of "friends" had left him and Anthony then subconsciously linked money with losing friends. He began losing the money that he had worked so hard for. In the end, Anthony realized that he was not the reason why his friends had "abandoned" him. They shied away from him because they were not comfortable with his new found stature. They had their own insecurities they had to deal with and Anthony's new found fortune was far from their money comfort zone.

Would you like to have friends like these? Or friends who will be with you through the journey and even at the end of it? Having the right set of friends is so important to keeping you motivated in reaching for your dreams. The road to success is paved with many obstacles and supportive friends are the ones who'll help you get over emotional obstacles along the way. Friends with poor mindsets are the ones who will envy your success, won't encourage and ultimately even pull you down "back to their level."

In one chapter in Jack Canfield's book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You to Where You Want to Be, Jack talks about his experience on his first day teaching in a high school. The first time he went to the Teachers' Lounge he was bombarded with not only smoke from their cigarettes but also so many negative notions and banter. The teachers said things like:

"Oh! You got that Smith kid again? Good luck! He's a terror!"
"These kids! They'll never learn!"

Soon enough Jack called the Teachers' Lounge the "Ain't it awful" club because everyone was constantly complaining about something. Jack never set foot in the Teachers' Lounge again after that.

It really struck me that Jack even said, he'd rather eat alone than to surround himself with such negativity but it wasn't long before he found another group of teachers who spent their time at a table in the library. These teachers were very different from those in the lounge. They were all filled with hope and many ideas on how to inspire and teach their students.

Jack began spending time with these people and through the help of their ideas and inspiration, Jack became the Teacher of the Year at the school even if he was only on his first year of teaching.

See the power of having the right group of people around you?

So ask yourself this question: Who are the 5 people that you spend the most time with? Do you want to be like them? Are they the type of people that you should be hanging out with.

Remember: You are the SUM of the 5 people that you spend the most time with...

Choose your friends. Your future depends on it.

- designstudentny

I learned about these principles by reading these books:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Attract more of what you want in life

According to Rhonda Bhyrne's book/movie, The Secret, we attract more of what we focus on. This is a very powerful law. This is called the Law of Attraction. Remember this: when you complain or rant about something, you are attracting more of that same event in to your life. So instead of focusing on what you don't want or complaining about what you don't like, Rhonda Bhyrne suggests replacing it with gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the strongest ways to attract more of what you want into your life. Be thankful and appreciate all the wonderful things in your life and you'll get more of it.

Here's a little exercise that you can do: Get a notebook/journal and write down even just 5 things every day that you are grateful for. Do this every day and you'll see the big difference with how you see the world. When you focus on the positive, when you choose to see what you can be grateful for, the universe will start showing you more things to be grateful for. Do you get what I mean?

Try this: Look around the room where you're in. Look for everything that's brown. Done? Now tell me (without looking around the room) which things are red? Can you do it? No, right? Because you were focused on the brown. It's the same thing with life. If you are focused on looking for what's wrong (brown) then you will find everything that's wrong and never even notice all the good things (red) that are around you as well. So why not try the opposite? What have you got to lose? Try focusing on the good. Focus on the things to be grateful for and the universe will you more things to be grateful for.

You can try this great website to log your gratitude. Try It's really a very positive community. You can post your gratitude and share it with the gLog community. You can also comment on other people's posts and even send them appreciation gifts. It's just an all around very positive, supportive and loving community. On the very first time I joined, I was already welcomed by around a dozen people. Try it out. :)

Be grateful.

- designstudentny

Want to know more about gratitude? The books below are the ones I've read that have really allowed me to understand and appreciate the power of gratitude in creating the life we desire:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Have You Started Saving?

I've already attended Bo Sanchez' How to be Truly Rich Seminar twice and it took this 2nd seminar to remind me to save and invest.

I got so focused on running my business that I forgot all about investing and saving.

Have you started saving? Start early!

Bo Sanchez showed us a chart and told us a story about two people.

Let's call one of them Carlo and the other Anna.

Carlo started saving P20,000 a year (approx. P1,700/month) and invested it every year for 6 years. At the end of 6 years, he met Anna and he taught Anna all about saving (At the same time Carlo was stationed at another country so he had to stop saving). So Anna started investing P20,000 a year also. After 6 years, Anna was also stationed to another country so she also stopped investing.

After 20 years, Carlo and Anna both decided to withdraw their money. Carla and Anna had both invested P20,000/year for 6 years so they both put in P120,000 in investments. So would they have earned the same amount?

Anna went to check how much money she had and the banker told her she had P4.6 Million in the bank. When Carlo heard this he, too, checked the money that he had. Carlo asked the banker how much he had...

Guess how much he had?

Is it the same amount as Anna?

Carlo had P9 Million in the bank!

How'd that happen when they both put in the same amount of money? It's because Carlo had started investing earlier. So even if they put in the same amount of money (and even if he stopped investing after 6 years) through the law of compounding interest, Carlo's money would definitely grow more than Anna's.

So moral of the story??? Start saving and investing early!

Starting early makes all the difference in the road to wealth.

Start investing now!


Bo Sanchez' next How to be Truly Rich Seminar is on April 10, 2010 so be sure to mark your calendars and reserve a seat for this event.

In the mean time, you can also check out Bo Sanchez' TrulyRich Club. I'm a member of this club and Bo sends us emails every week, audio lessons 2x a month and videos every 3 mos. It's really such a blessing. I am learning so much. Check it out here or paste this link on your browser:

Here are also some of my favorite books on investing and money management:

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Movie that Changed My Life

1Have you watched the movie The Secret?

If you haven't, you should. That movie has literally changed my life. It really changed how I saw things in the world. I realized that we take so many things for granted and more importantly, in the chaos and rush of the world, we tend to feel like a victim. We feel like we are at the mercy of the world.

I used to think before that you're at the mercy of what life hands you and that the world and the things that happen to you are "unexpected."

Did you feel or think the same way too?

After watching The Secret it was like my blinders were taken off. I saw the world through a whole new set of eyes and even from a whole new being, like I was a new person.I am no longer a victim or a guinea pig of the world. I am the master of my life.

Do you get this fact? Everything that has happened in your life and more importantly, everything that will happen in your life is and will always be the result of the thoughts in your head. You created this world that you live in. You "wanted" this life that you have - consciously or unconsciously.

It's truly amazing. We truly are God's children. He is our Creator and as His children, He gave us the power to create our future and our world as well.

Think about it. Own it and feel the power of knowing that life is what you make of it.

You are powerful.

- designstudentny

I first watched the movie and to truly understand the whole concept and absorb it I also read the book and also listened to the audio book. I personally recommend experiencing all the different forms of The Secret. They all bring something different to the table. They're all very different experiences and I found myself learning something new each time.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Citibank Makes Online Shopping Easy

Citibank Makes Online Shopping Easy

Get your favorite U.S. brands delivered right to your doorstep.

Get hard-to-find items at the best prices without depending on balikbayan boxes or balikbayan friends.

With Citi Globeshopper, you can shop online, find the best prices and have the goods delivered to your home here in the Philippines. Citi Globeshopper can also consolidate multiple purchases made within 30 days so you can save on shipping costs.

Plus, you can also use Citi Globeshopper's concierge service for free, to shop from sites that do not accept Philippine-issued credit cards.

Enjoy the Citi Globeshopper service exclusively through your Citi Card.

Here's how:
  1. Visit and register in Citi Globeshopper to get your U.S. address.
  2. Shop from your favorite sites and indicate your Citi Globeshopper U.S. address as shipping address.
  3. Wait for an email from Citi Globeshopper to confirm that your goods have reached your U.S. address.
  4. Email Citi Globeshopper the go-signal to ship these to your Philippine address or consolidate your purchases for up to 30 days.
Visit for more details.

Friday, February 19, 2010

My God Whispers for Today

I'm sharing the God Whispers that I received today from Bo Sanchez with you. It really hit home. Sometimes when you "grow up" you tend to forget how to dream. You become all about becoming "practical" and "realistic." You get so jaded because of your many experiences growing up.

This was a wake up call. It's not too late. Don't give up.

To dreams!

- designstudentny

Want to receive your own personalized God Whispers?
God Whispers comes free with a subscription to Bo Sanchez' Truly Rich Club. I'm a member and it's been nothing but a source of such great blessing and inspiration. Learn more here or follow this link:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brainstorming the Natural Way!

How did you take notes in school? I don't know about you but I always took notes in outline form.

Do your notes look similar to this?
  • Topic
    • note 1
    • note 2
    • note 3
      • sub note 1
      • sub note 2
Well, this is how we were taught to think, take notes and brainstorm in school but this is actually NOT the natural way that our brain thinks. Our brain, according to Tony Buzan, thinks in images and maps. This is how our minds were naturally "mapped" to work.

According to Buzan, the most effective way to brainstorm and even take notes in school is through the use of what is called a Mind Map. I've actually just started utilizing this technique in my brainstorming and it's really helped me gather my thoughts and organize them effectively. The whole format makes it easy to add things and still see how the idea/thought fits into "the bigger picture".

Here is an example of a simple mind map taken from so you can have a better idea of how a mind map looks like:

To give you a better idea about Mind Maps, here's the definition straight from Tony Buzan's website:

A Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain. It harnesses the full range of cortical skills - word, image, number, logic, rhythm, colour and spatial awareness - in a single, uniquely powerful manner. In so doing, it gives you the freedom to roam the infinite expanses of your brain. The Mind Map can be applied to every aspect of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance.

When you use Mind Maps on a daily basis, you will find that your life becomes more productive, fulfilled, and successful on every level. There are no limits to the number of thoughts, ideas and connections that your brain can make, which means that there are no limits to the different ways you can use Mind Maps to help you.

Here are some very fun looking examples of Mind Mapping to get you started:

Using mind maps has really helped me tremendously. You can learn more about mind maps at Tony Buzan's website: 

Happy Mapping!

- designstudentny

Here are some books on Mind Mapping that might help you get started:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Be a SoFAshionista for a Day!

Want to know what it’s like to study in SoFA?
Be part of this opportunity for FREE! 
Get to know all about our school and even sit in the classes!

FEB 25, 2010
10:30 am onwards

Only 15 slots available!!!

Call 892-8807 loc 106/107 to reserve a slot NOW!


I just would like to inform you about the upcoming fashion-related events at the National Museum. Below are the details:

1) Couture Construction and Conservation
    Saturday Feb. 20, 2010
    2-4:45 PM
    Speakers: Christian Espiritu
                    Cary Santiago

2) The Art of Embroidery and Embellishment
    Saturday March 6, 2010
    2-4:30 pm
    Speakers: Amir Sali
                    Patis Tesoro

3) Philippine Dressing Traditions and Social History
    Saturday March 20, 2010
    2-4:30 PM
    Speakers: Badong Bernal (National Artist)
                    Mr. Panlilio

Venue: Tambunting Room 4th Floor, Museum of the Filipino People
            National Museun, Teodoro-Valencia Circle, Rizal Park, Manila

Registration & Fees: Museum Entrance Fee (Adults)-P100; Local Students (Bring School ID)-P30

* The lecture series is FREE
* 100 slots for each talk

Kindly check this website for further details:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Are you Destroying Yourself with Your Own Words?

One of the things that really struck me when I read Bo Sanchez' past email was the huge effect that our words have.

A Japanese scientist decided to see how powerful our words are by experimenting with water.

Dr. Masuro Emoto took droplets of water and exposed them to different words, music and environments then froze these water droplets for 3 hours. 1 part was frozen as is and was not exposed to any words or music. The 2nd part was positively prayed over while the 3rd and last part was exposed to heavy metal music. Afterward, he examined these frozen droplets under a dark field microscope.

Guess what he found? How do you think the frozen water formations look like?

A normal drop of water when frozen looks like this:

This is how a frozen water formation looks like when exposed to hard metal music and the like:

See the difference with the picture below. This is how a positively prayed over frozen water formation looks like. Isn't it absolutely gorgeous?

You can read Bo Sanchez' entire article on this topic here but for now I'll leave you with these thoughts to ponder. If this what a few short minutes of exposure to negativity or positivity can do to water, can you imagine what it can do to you, your body and your life? Isn't our body 75% made of water?

I've heard quite a few stories of people who've cured themselves of serious illnesses such as cancer through positivity (you can read more about this story in The Secret) so imagine what the counterpart can do to your life and body.

Surround yourself with positive thoughts, people and things.

- designstudentny

You can read Bo Sanchez' entire article on this topic by clicking here or by following this link:

Want to receive messages like this from Bo every day, week or month? Subscribe to Bo Sanchez' Truly Rich Club and be nourished like I am. I am also a very happy subscriber. Click here to learn more or follow this link:

Here are some books that I've read that also teach of this same topic in more detail:

My VDay at Isabelo's

Last Saturday, my boyfriend and I celebrated Valentine's Day a day early and chose a restaurant that would allow us to escape the sure hullabaloo at the more popular restaurants and malls. We ate at Isabelo's in Marikina.

Portia, the owner, even prepared a special treat for us for all the diners. They got musicians to serenade us with live music. It was really very nice and romantic. Add the nice music to the very calm and serene ambiance of the restaurant and it was the perfect venue for a quiet and romantic Valentine's day date.

My boyfriend and I arrived a bit early so there was just another couple besides us at the time but the place quickly filled up within the next hour. They had a full house and everyone was eager to eat Isabelo's scrumptious offerings.

Art and I ordered one of their best sellers the Spinach and Artichoke dip as a starter. This is my personal favorite! The flavors are just right in this very appetizing dip and the bread is also toasted to perfection and goes very well with the dip. We already ordered this the first time we went there and I just had to have it again this time.

Next up was our main course dishes! The Isabelo Lokal Bolognese and my boyfriend's personal favorite the Double Smoked Bacon Pizza!

I'm such a fan of tomato based pasta and most especially the simple bolognese sauce. With Isabelo's version of the bolognese, I think they hit it right out of the park. I love how delicate the flavors of the pasta was. Not too salty. Not too tart. The flavor of the meat didn't overpower the pasta either. All the flavors just all melded together in perfect taste heaven. I love love loved it!

My boyfriend could say enough about the pizza, on the other hand. I loved the pizza, too, but my boyfriend has special dibs in this department because he loves anything with bacon and the fact that this was "double bacon" made it a double treat for him. I loved the ingredients that they used for this pizza. The cheese was super yummy and melt in your mouth. Combine that with the sinful taste of bacon, which by the way is not your run of the mill grocery bacon - at least it didn't taste like it - and you've got a winner. No wonder it's also one of their best sellers. We'll definitely keep coming back for more... and more... and more...

Last but not the least are the desserts. We ordered the watermelon sorbet (a must-have when you go to Isabelo's) and the frozen mango dessert. I forgot to take a "before" picture of the watermelon sorbet because we were just so excited to dig in. I really love the watermelon sorbet because it was just so refreshingly light and the combination of the watermelon and lemon just cleanses your palette right up and caps up the perfect dinner. The frozen mango dessert on the other hand is a refreshingly different take on the usual mango icebox cake. It's also a must try. It's creamy. It's chocolatey and sinfully yummy. What's not to like?

We'll definitely come back soon. I can definitely see myself craving for these delectable treats very very soon!

Isabelo's Restaurant is located in Marikina.
You can find their menu, make reservations and find a location map right at their webpage by clicking here or by pasting this link on your browser:

Barbie goes Gaga!

Step aside Malibu and Rockstar Barbie! There's a new chick in town and she's going Gaga... Lady Gaga that is! We've all had Barbies as kids but this just really blows them all away.

Check out Veik's creations! This 29 year old from Beijing has been creating these fabulous replicas and with great detail, too!

Photos courtesy of

Okay so some might argue Veik might be suffering from some form of OCD or something... and I'm no fan of Lady Gaga's but I think he's darn talented!

Check out these other links for more pictures and more about this story:
Nothing can put you down. No trial. No problem. No crisis. No sickness. No
difficulty. Nothing, I repeat, nothing can ever put you down. Believe. Rise above every storm and soar!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ateneo Alumni Retreats and Holy Week Service Schedule

Below is a letter from Jun Dalandan containing the schedule of Alumni Retreats for the Holy Week as well as Service Schedules. Please be guided accordingly:

9 February 2010

Dear Fellow Ateneans,

Peace of Christ!

The Church gives us the Holy Season of Lent to enter more fully into the central mysteries of our Faith. This Holy Week we invite you to experience the celebration of the Paschal Triduum in a deeper and more meaningful way. The Office of University Development and Alumni Relations offer its annual Triduum Retreat for Alumni.

A retreat is essentially:
 - a time off from the busy daily grind of life so that we can make time for ourselves and for God and experience the grace of peaceful rest
 - an opportunity to remove ourselves from the clutter and noise of the world so that we can make space in our hearts for God and enter the silence and solitude where our deepest longings can be heard.

We seek to nurture the Ignatian Spirituality of discovering and responding to Christ's call and finding God in all things.  Our retreat hopes to bring us to a deeper awareness of God's presence in our lives and make us more attentive to His desire rather than our own.    "Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul... Our one desire and choice should be what is more conducive to the end for which we are created."
                                  (Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius)

Escaler Hall, Science Education Complex (SEC) Bldg.
Retreat Directors:

Thursday, April 1
Fr. Miguel B. Lambino, S.J.
AB Comm 1977, MA Ed 1991
Teaches Theology at theLoyola School of Theology

Friday, April 2
Fr. Victor C. de Jesus, S.J.
GS 1974, HS 1978, AB Pre Divinity 1985
Rector, San Jose Seminary

Saturday, April 3
Fr. Arturo M. Borja, S.J.
AB Humanities 1972, MA Psych 1989, PhD Psych 1996
Campus Minister, Xavier School
Retreat Schedule
 7:30  –  8:00 am      Arrival and Registration
 8:00  –  8:15 am      Morning Prayer
 8:15  –  8:30 am      Orientation
 8:30  –  9:30 am      Session 1
 9:30  – 10:00 am     Individual Prayer and Reflection
10:00 – 10:30 am     Break
10:30 – 11:30 am     Session 2
11:30 – 12:00 nn      Individual Prayer and Reflection
12:00 – 12:15 pm     Synthesis and Points for Reflection
12:15 – 12:30 pm     Closing Prayer

Schedule of Services  at the Church of the Gesu
April 1, Maundy Thursday
             4:00 PM     Mass of the Lord’s Supper    
April 2, Good Friday
              3:00 PM    Celebration of the Lord's Passion
                                  followed by Stations of the Cross
April 3, Holy Saturday
              8:00 PM    Easter Vigil
Recollection fee per person:
            P1,200.00 for 3 sessions
            P500.00 for 1 session

Please submit payment (checks payable to: Ateneo de Manila University) to the Office of University Development and Alumni Relations by  27 March 2010.    
First come, first served for 250 seats only.
Payment by check or cash
Issue check to Ateneo de Manila University and send with the donor's name
and address and instruction OUDAR Alumni Retreat to:

  Marijo R. Mendoza
  Events Group Head
  Office of University Development and Alumni Relations
  Alingal Hall (near the Church of the Gesu, directly in front
      of Cervini and Eliazo student residence halls)
  Ateneo de Manila University
  Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, 1108 Quezon City

Payment from Metro Manila and Philippine residents
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company (Metrobank or MBTC)

  1. Fill out a PAYMENT SLIP and present to the Metrobank teller
       Company Name:           Ateneo de Manila University       Subsriber Name:           <Name of donor>
       Reference No.:               OUDAR Alumni Retreat
       Subscriber No.:              012
       Mode of Payment:         Cash or Check or Debit Account       Amount of Payment:    <Php xxx>

  2. Check in front of the teller that your validated PAYMENT SLIP is correct.

  3. Present your validated PAYMENT SLIP to the Ateneo
     so that you may be issued an Ateneo Official Receipt.
For reservations and inquiries, kindly contact: Ida Solis
Office of University Development & Alumni Relations
Alingal Hall
Ateneo de Manila University
Tel No. : (63-2) 426-6081 & 82
Fax No. : (63-2) 426-6080
E-mail Address:


Romeo A. Dalandan, Jr.
Director for Alumni Relations

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another Financial Workshop/Seminar to Try

I'm thinking of attending this workshop if my schedule would allow it. It sounds pretty promising and the fee is also not that bad. It's only P25.00 more expensive than Bo Sanchez How to Be Truly Rich Seminar but it seems to pack a punch in terms of content.

Here's the email invite I received:

6th EnRich Personal Finance Talk
Slaying the Financial Stress Dragon

Event Particulars
Ticket Price – Php500 + VAT per person
March 6, 2010, 2 to 5 pm
9/F One San Miguel Avenue Building
San Miguel Avenue corner Shaw Boulevard
Pasig City (see attached map)

Personal Finance Talk Outline

ash Management
Assessing What You Have and What You Could Do With Them
Setting Financial Goals
Formulating a Financial Strategy
Setting Up a Contingency Fund
Financial Scams to Avoid
Bank Savings Accounts Defined
The 4-Step Approach to Boosting Savings

ebt Management
Taking Stock of Debt
Credit Cards
Housing Loans
Car Loans
Personal Loans
Zero Interest – The Real Score

isk Management
Processionary Insurance Buying
Basic Forms of Life Insurance
How Much of Which Type
The Die Broke Philosophy
Health Maintenance Organizations
Disability Insurance
Home Insurance
Vehicle Insurance

ealth Management
Why Expenses are Always Greater than Earnings
Preparing for Children's College Education
Preparing for Your Own Retirement
The Need for Investing Early, Wisely, and Regularly
Pooled Fund Investing

Referral Fee and Freebies

arn 20% referral fee for each successful referral (gross of tax and based on net seminar fee of Php500 per person). All of our EnRich personal finance seminars have this benefit. Immediately get started on managing your personal finances while you learn by referring family and friends. 

he first 30 paid participants get a free copy each of our bestselling book, "Pwede Na! The Complete Pinoy Guide to Personal Finance" – a Php295 value.  To qualify, you will need to deposit your total seminar fee of Php560.00 to our BPI Family Bank S/A # 6863-0722-45 under the name of Personal Finance Advisers Philippines Corporation.  Then, email a scanned copy of the deposit slip to or fax it to (632) 939-9593.  Please be reminded that only the first 30 paid participants will get the free book and that our receipt of your deposit slip will be the basis for determining whether you are one of such participants. While we cannot guarantee that you will be one of the first 30 paid participants, you may still pay the fee on seminar date.

Join us in our crusade to slay the financial stress dragon.

Please call (632) 216-8151, (632) 216-1541 or SMS (63917) 530-1809 for reservations and more details.

Telephone Nos.: (63-2) 216-8151; (63-917) 560-0907
Personal Finance Discussion Group:

*Philippines' first "International Best Provider" of workplace finance education as recognized by the Personal Finance Employee Education Foundation, USA

Your Wish is My Command

One of the things that Bo said during his seminar (How to Become Truly Rich) that really hit me was when he talked about the power of words. He talked the about the impact of the things that we say in our lives... how what we say tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Here's a simple example:
Bob is asking Cara to look for the salt in the kitchen. Cara reluctantly stands up and goes to the kitchen to "look." Cara is "looking" for the salt but while she is, she's saying "I can't find it." "Bob, I can't find the salt." A few minutes later, Bob goes into the kitchen and in just a few seconds, finds the salt right on the kitchen counter in plain sight.

What's the point of the story? The lesson of this story can be summarized in this simple phrase: "Whether you say you can or you cannot, it is true." Cara kept on saying that she can't find the salt so therefore she couldn't find it. So be careful what you say. So when you catch yourself saying "I'll never become rich.", "I could never do what she's doing", etc. stop yourself and say the truth: "I can be rich."; "I can do whatever I put my mind to."

Remember to always speak in the positive because your words create your future. You are powerful. Your words are powerful.

Read this article by Bo Sanchez. It really blew me away especially the part about the Japanese scientists' experiment on water and rice. It will really change the way you think, what you say and maybe even what you listen to. It's a bit long but it's really worth not only your while but your life.

Have a great day!


Bo Sanchez' next How to Be Truly Rich Seminar is going to be on April 10, 2010. Watch out for details on this blog.

If you want to receive more of Bo Sanchez' emails and lessons, you can check out his TrulyRich Club. He sends emails and newsletters every week as well as audio/video every month. I'm also a member of this club and every email is always jam packed with information. Bo's also so very generous as he constantly sends us unadvertised bonuses. Joining this club is worth every cent. Learn more here:

Here are other great books that I've read that have really taught me about the power of our thoughts and words in our lives:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Marc Jacobs Bag for only $35!

Picture from

Can you believe that you can get this gorgeous Marc Jacobs bag for only $35??! It's a Marc Jacob's Mirror Heart Evening Bag sold for a limited time only at Marc Jacobs Collection stores! 

I sooo want one of these!
Read more about this:

When You're Lucky... You're Lucky!

One lucky guy/gal just one the covetted P201 Million Peso Lotto Jackpot! Wow! I can already think of so many things I'd do with that money!

I would
  1. Study at Parsons New York
  2. Donate to World Vision
  3. Buy my dad his Mini Cooper
  4. Buy my mom a restaurant franchise
  5. Get myself a condo unit in Manhattan
The list just goes on and on!

How about you? If you won P201 million what would you do?? Post your comments below! 

Read the entire story about the latest lucky lotto winner who I heard only asked the lotto outlet to pick the numbers for him! Swerte!

Click here for the full story or paste this link in your browser:

Alexander McQueen is Dead

Alexander McQueen with his mom who died just days earlier.
Photo courtesy of

I was really shocked to hear the news this morning but apparently it's true.

Alexander McQueen is dead. He killed himself.

According to reports, he was found dead in his apartment committing suicide by hanging himself. He was said to have been quite distraught over his mom's death just a few days ago and perhaps not been able to cope well with her death. He was even supposed to have a fashion show the afternoon of his death which was of course cancelled.

You can read all about the story by clicking here or by pasting this URL on your browser:

Signature Bags: Chanel, LV, Hermes, etc.

I would just like to share this post from a friend of mine. You might be interested. :)
Feel free to repost this or share it with your friends.


Happy Valentine's guys!!! :) For those who are looking for gifts to loved ones or you know someone who's looking or.. Just want to reward yourself after a long day's work.. I am selling authentic and pre-owned bags and watches with very reasonable prices. :)
Hermes Constance Crocodile Porosus Brown 18cm
Hermes Constance Black Leather 18cm
Hermes Drag Bag in Navy Blue 32cm
Hermes Kelly 32cm in Gold Leather
Hermes Crocodile Porosus Mini Kelly 20cm
LV Minna Street
LV Papillon
LV Rivete Noir
Chanel Classic 2.55 transparent
Chanel Classic Small Bowling Bag
LV Tambour Watch
Oris Pointer Date Ladies Watch
Fendi bag and watch
and many others!!

Visit my site to check out my photos and PM me for more info!!! :)

I would greatly appreciate if you could forward this to your contacts as well.

Thanks!! :)



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bo Sanchez' How to be Truly Rich Seminar

I attended Bo Sanchez' How to be Truly Rich Seminar last Saturday at the St. Francis Theater at the Lourdes School of Mandaluyong.

Photo courtesy of

The seminar is still as dynamic, entertaining and more importantly information-packed as ever. It's actually my second time to attend and for the small fee that they charge, it was really worth every cent. For one, I realized that besides building businesses, I had totally neglected the whole other part about investing and saving. As I was going home with my boyfriend, I even told him how sad I felt at how I hadn't applied all that was taught in the seminar. In hindsight, I'm thinking at least I applied some of it. I stopped investing (but didn't stop saving) because of my mistake in investing when I was starting out.

The stock market was fast rising at the time that I started out and I got excited and maybe a bit greedy. I put all my money in a balanced fund. I even took out some of the money that I earlier invested in a fixed-income fund and transferred it to the balanced fund. Long story short... fast forward to the global recession and all the money is negative territory. I got blinded by my 5 digit returns that I totally ignored the voice in my head telling me to pull the money out or at least re-invest some of it in safer investments. I had even read that when the market double tops that's the time to take your money out. But did I take it out? No. So imagine my distraught when the market started plunging and I couldn't do anything about it.

Anyway, that's all water under the bridge. The stock market is slowly rising again. It's actually a great time to invest. Bo Sanchez said during the seminar that the best time to invest is when the market is down, when prices are low. It may be hard to do but this is when preparation and saving pays off because you'll have the chance to take advantage of opportunities that others cannot partake of.

Bo Sanchez reminded me that I needed to also invest money in paper assets besides putting them in my businesses. So starting this coming payday, I'll start saving part of my income to what Bo calls the Freedom Fund, the Wealth Fund and the Emergency Fund.

According to Bo, we should all FIRST AND FOREMOST, set aside 20% of our income for our savings. Pay yourself first! And divide this 20% into 3 parts:
  1. 1/3 should go to your Wealth Fund - money to go into investments
  2. 1/3 should go to your Freedom Fund  - money for paying debts, if any
  3. 1/3 should go to your Emergency Fund - money set aside for a rainy day (like Ondoy :p)
This has gotten a bit long. I'll tell you more about the different types of funds next time.

Gotta go! Have to open a new bank account so I can properly set aside money from my salary.

Til Next Time,

Bo Sanchez' next How to Be Truly Rich Seminar is on April 10, 2010 if you want to attend. It's still going to be in Manila but if you can't attend, the next best thing for continued education (even if you've already attended the actual seminar) is Bo Sanchez' TrulyRich Club. Me and my brother are already members of this and many of my friends have also signed up for this really great treat. It's like having Bo Sanchez' as your personal financial mentor sending you notes and lessons right in your inbox every week. Click here to find out more.

Reading Bo Sanchez' books is also a great way to learn from him. Here are some of my favorites:

Forever21's SALE SALE!

Forever21's Sale items are ON SALE!

Tops start at $1.99
Sweaters at only $8.99
Leggings at $3.99
You can even get Dresses at only $7.99!

For short, everything starts at under $10! What are you waiting for?

Head on over to Forever21 now!

- designstudentny

Don't forget to sign up for this blog to get the latest sale news and updates here and in the US!
Your decisions today will affect many generations to come. So decide to rise higher. Live a life of great love. Through you, God will bless the next
generation in a greater way.

You’re the key. Through you, God will prosper your family line.
Papaya clothing is one of the competitors of Forever 21 in the US. They've also got great clothes in really great price points! Check them out! They're having a Valentine's Day sale and FOR MEMBERS ONLY, they're offering $2 shipping until February 14, 2010! Go to for more details! Sale + $2 Shipping!

Papaya clothing is one of the competitors of Forever 21 in the US. They've also got great clothes in really great price points! Check them out! They're having a Valentine's Day sale and FOR MEMBERS ONLY, they're offering $2 shipping until February 14, 2010! So sign up at their website to take advantage of this great offer!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Don't Stop Believing

I was watching Oprah last night and her whole episode was all about never giving up and believing in your dreams. She wanted to emphasize this most especially in the face of the global financial crisis that it is possible to overcome even worldwide challenges to come up on top. 

Her guests were are very own Arnel Pineda of Journey and Khadijah, a girl who went from Skid Row to Harvard University.

I literally couldn't keep my eyes off the screen for very long. I was so mesmerized by the story of Arnel Pineda. Arnel Pineda grew up in an underprivileged part of Manila. His mother died when he was still very young so early on he was left to fend for himself. He was homeless and he would sing to earn money for food. For years he struggled to make ends meet. He transferred from band to band singing for money.

Then one day, his big break came. Someone had posted a video of one of his performances at the Hard Rock Cafe in Makati and the rest is rock and roll history so to speak...

The Journey band on the other hand was going through their own struggle. Their lead singer had left them and they had started to feel that their search for a new singer was hopeless. It was the unique voice of their lead singer that had given the band their unique and signature sound. They were about to give up when
one of the members of Journey had chanced upon Arnel's You Tube and was absolutely blown away. They had found the new voice of The Journey.

Watching Oprah's interview with the group was absolutely awe inspiring. It was so apparent that all the members of the band, though senior to Arnel, had an undeniable respect for him as a person. They, in their own words, were all genuinely inspired by this person in front of them. They saw in him a genuinely talented and hardworking person who in spite of all his new found fame and success was still by all means so humble and still so down-to-earth.

I hope his story has inspired you as much as it has me. Although he had never in his wildest dreams ever dreamed that something like that could happen to him, his dream life still found him. It's stories like these that allow me to continue to believe that dreams come true (even the ones that you've never thought of). Just be open to a wonderful life and it'll find you eventually.

I'll leave you for now with the lyrics to The Journey's Song "Don't Stop Believin' " so you won't ever stop believing in your dreams.

Don't Stop Believin'

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

Just a city boy
Born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A singer in a smoky room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Working hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice just one more time

Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlight people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people

- designstudentny

Watch out for part 2 of this blog entry for Khadijah's story.

**Photos are from and

You can also read the article about the interview on or copy this link on your browser:

Want to listen to Journey or know more about Oprah? Check them out here:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Heart's Day Coming!

Valentine's day is coming!

And I've decided to make something from the heart to my loved ones' heart instead of getting him something store bought.

This is what I'm making! Check it out!
Photo courtesy of

The recipe is below and it's from It looks sooo good! Wish me luck!

Molten Lava Cakes

4 T  real butter
1/3 C sugar
3 large eggs
1/3 C flour
1/4 t salt
8 oz bittersweet chocolate*, melted 
*8 ounces is about 1 1/3 C of bittersweet chocolate chips.  Make the 1/3 cup a little over-full and you should be good 

Additional Ingredients:
conf. sugar for dusting
sweetened whipped cream for serving 
butter and sugar for preparing pans  

You can either bake these in a muffin tin, in ramekins, or even a oven-proof mug.  If you use a muffin tin you'll get 6 cakes and depending on the size of the ramekins you'll get 4-6.  

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.   

To prepare pans, use your fingers (or the butter wrapper) to rub butter in the muffin tins or ramekins.  Sprinkle in some granulated sugar to coat the entire inner surface and tap out any extra and discard.  

In a bowl with a mixer beat butter and sugar until fluffy.   Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.   Combine flour and salt and slowly add it into the butter mixture just until combined.   Stir in melted chocolate by hand, just until combined.  Don't over mix.

Divide batter evenly among prepared muffin cups or ramekins and then place them on a baking sheet.

Bake just until tops of cakes no longer jiggle when pan is lightly shaken, about 8-10 min for a muffin pan, and 10-12 for ramekins.   Remove from oven and let stand 10 min.   

If using muffin tins, invert the tin and place an idividual cake on each serving plate.  You can do the same with the ramekins, or just serve them as is.   Dust with powdered sugar and serve with a dallop of sweetened whipped cream.

Happy Valentines!

- designstudentny

P.S. Here are some of my favorite cookbooks: